“Black Friday” was yesterday and the Internet is turned really crazy. Various mails fluttered in and my Facebook time line was filled with tips, where one can grab yourself the best bargains. I have to admit, that I got brain washed while checking out my mails.The word „Sale“ shut my brain down and I was no longer able to hink rationally. Damn!
I immediately startet to open one tab after another because I need some warm winter boots. However, I also looked for other things. Things which I simply do not really need. But then I woke up from my Black Friday illusion. Something must go wrong here. STOP: Where is my mind?
A couple of months ago I considered to buy more intend. I need to think about what do I really need and what do I definitely do not need! So I have to think about changing my buying behavior. I was not sure whether I can run through it completely but at least it works. Befor I will by something new I think about it twice. I am looking for alternatives to conventional Brands and I’m searching for second hand pieces. I think anyway that there is not only black or white. There recently was a very good article on “This is Jane Wayne” to exactly this topic.
There are not only Ecco-Nerds or Primark Consumer there is also something between this. Everybody shall behave as he keeps it acceptable for moral. I try to struggle through. I also learn and notice that I enjoy it to have a good look at the sustainability topic.
And then the Black Friday came
Black Friday. The perfect example of consumption made me leave my way within seconds. We are influenceable. I reflect myself again and came back to my senses. I closed all the tabs with things I do not need. But anyway, yesterday I bought black winter boots on a second hand plattform!
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