Fashion / 30.11.2015

Second Hand Shopping

As Sabrina I also could resist the Black Friday flash sales. Every mail was directly send to the trash. At the moment I am not interested in grab one bargain after another! I’ve got everything I need and maybe even more. I will no longer spend money on things I do not need. And I also want to shop less things brand new.
Since the last year I’ve tried to buy more clothes in second hand shops. And I am always lucky. This blue woolen skirt was only 4€ at second hand shop. He was only a bit too long, though. He went me up to the calves. Therefore I have me picked up some needles, scissors and sewing machine and simply shortened the skirt to the desired length. I like him still more now. In addition, he matches my blue coat and the rolled collar shirt perfectly. Only the weather has upset my plans!
What about you and second hand shopping? Are you always shopping on ebay or other platforms likes this or do you love to shop brand new clothes?

Coat – Zara
Turtleneck shirt – Petit Bateau*
Skirt – Second Hand
Leather Sneaker – H&M

Basic Look Gestreift Second Hand shoppingDSC_0866Basic Look Second Hand shoppingSecond HandSecond HandDSC_0879

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